Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Practice Makes Perfect

Have you ever seen that show “Switched at Birth”? I hadn’t either until January. To be perfectly honest I didn’t really want to see the show because my imagination made it sound way worse that it really was. I thought it was going to be this huge emotional cry fest and well, I had enough problems of my own and didn’t want to be a blubbering fool.
Long story short I finally broke down and watched it because one of the main characters is deaf and I needed practice reading other people sign. Kinda lame I know! But we don’t have a large deaf community here so I didn’t have anyone to practice with in person. Needless to say I quickly became addicted to the show. My favorite thing about it is that as I learn new signs I am better able to follow different conversations. Thank goodness the show is on Netflix! I burn through a few episodes a day during nap time and get to call it homework. Yay me!!
Words to look up
Hope you have a wonderful day using your new words! Yelle

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