Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Practice Makes Perfect

Have you ever seen that show “Switched at Birth”? I hadn’t either until January. To be perfectly honest I didn’t really want to see the show because my imagination made it sound way worse that it really was. I thought it was going to be this huge emotional cry fest and well, I had enough problems of my own and didn’t want to be a blubbering fool.
Long story short I finally broke down and watched it because one of the main characters is deaf and I needed practice reading other people sign. Kinda lame I know! But we don’t have a large deaf community here so I didn’t have anyone to practice with in person. Needless to say I quickly became addicted to the show. My favorite thing about it is that as I learn new signs I am better able to follow different conversations. Thank goodness the show is on Netflix! I burn through a few episodes a day during nap time and get to call it homework. Yay me!!
Words to look up
Hope you have a wonderful day using your new words! Yelle

Nap Time Conversation

Our family is hearing. My children are very light sleepers. They don’t want to miss out on anything and that includes mom and dad’s conversations. Today was one of those days where I really appreciated my ASL vocabulary. Jeff and I were able to have a full conversation about lunch without waking the girls and it was marvelous!
Vocab words to look up
Hamburger, French Fries, Lunch and Food
Happy learning! Yelle

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Cats out of the bag

Entering a new turning point in our lives we are learning to sign. This is something we have always thought would be fun to learn but never gave it true consideration until my mother-in-law went deaf. If there is one thing that we want more than anything for our children it is for them to know their grandparents. In order for them to do this our family is learning American Sign Language.

What I didn't know when I started taking classes was how much I would love to sign. I want to bring my love to you. Please come with us on our journey to explore a new culture and world hidden within our world. Let’s learn together.

Love always! Yelle